It's hard to believe how much Power Query can save you precious time

First of all I want to send you a BIG THANK YOU for enrolling in this Excel Power Query Secrets course.

I am excited to show you how controlling your data can provide a lifetime of benefits.

With this knowledge we can permanently change your business processes and improve your career prospects HOWEVER ...

Please don't take any shortcuts or skip important lectures. I have spent countless hours doing the wrong things myself so that you don't have to. Below is the quickest and easiest way to begin mastering Power Query!

I highly recommend that you Take Notes (seriously it will make things A LOT easier). I have also set up this course to be INTERACTIVE in the sense that you can follow my lead, and immediately implement these Excel Power Query strategies as you watch - ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS COPY ME AND AT THE END OF THE COURSE YOU WILL HAVE DRAMATICALLY IMPROVED YOUR DATA CLEANSING SKILLS.

***// This course is in a logical sequence, but depending on your skill level it MAY make sense to skip some lectures to find the information that is most important to you ;) \\***

Again, BIG WELCOME to the course - and enjoy!

- Doug

PS: Please introduce yourself in the comments!!! Write your name, and where you are from! I am always curious to know what part of the world everyone is tuning in from :)

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